Augmented Reality for Enterprise Alliance

Start Your Augmented Reality Journey Here

Intro to Augmented Reality

The AREA and its members are developing high-quality content that can form the basis of a more precise and fruitful dialogue around AR.

Enterprise Augmented Reality is a technology and industry filled with hype, the AREA seeks to provide factual, neutral and relevant information about the tools available, application possibilities, methods of implementation and return on investment. Once we have a shared conceptual foundation, we can discuss the concrete benefits of AR, as well as the risks of introducing AR in the enterprise with our audiences. This page is designed to be an AR Primer; you will find a variety of resources and recommendations to begin your AR journey.

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Preparing Your Call for Proposals

In addition to the components of a standard technology purchasing process, those enterprise professionals seeking to acquire enterprise Augmented Reality technology and services should develop additional elements. A call for...

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Preparing Proposals to Supply Enterprise AR Technology

In this process, the provider must use caution to not overpromise on, or to isolate the AR project from the other enterprise IT systems. Those who supply products and services commercially to...

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