When a Developer Needs to Author AR Experiences, Part 2
This post is a continuation of the topic introduced in another post on the AREA site.
Choose a Development Environment
Someday, the choice of an AR development environment will be as easy as choosing a CMS for the Web or an engineering software package for generating 3D models. Today, it’s a lot more complicated for AR developers.
Most of the apps that have the ability to present AR experiences are created using a game development environment, such as Unity 3D. When the developer publishes an iOS, Windows 10 or Android app in Unity 3D, it is usually ready to load and will run using only local components (i.e., it contains the MAR Scene, all the media assets and the AR Execution Engine).
Although there’s a substantial learning curve with Unity, the developer community and the systems to support the community are very well developed. And, once using Unity, the developer is not limited to creating only those apps with AR features. The cost of the product for professional use is not insignificant but many are able to justify the investment.
An alternative to using a game development environment and AR plugin is to choose a purpose-built AR authoring platform. This is appropriate if the project has requirements that can’t be met with Unity 3D.
Though they are not widely known, there are over 25 software engineering platforms designed specifically for authoring AR experiences.

Table 1. Commercially Available AR Authoring Software Publishers and Solutions (Source: PEREY Research & Consulting).
The table above lists the platforms I identified in early 2016 as part of a research project. Please contact me directly if you would like to obtain more information about the study and the most current list of solutions.
Many of the AR authoring systems are very intuitive (featuring drag-and-drop actions and widgets presented through a Web-based interface), however most remain to be proven and their respective developer communities are relatively small.
Some developers of AR experiences won’t have to learn an entirely new platform because a few engineering software publishers have extended their platforms designed for other purposes to include authoring AR experiences as part of their larger workflow.
Or Choose a Programming Language
Finally, developers can write an AR execution engine and the components of the AR experience into an app “from scratch” in the programming language of their choice.
To take advantage of and optimize AR experiences for the best possible performance on a specific chip set or AR display, some developers use binary or hexadecimal instructions (e.g., C++) which the AR display device can run natively.
Many developers already using JavaScript are able to leverage their skills to access valuable resources such as WebGL, but creating an application in this language alone is slow and, depending on the platform, could fail to perform at the levels users expect.
To reduce some of the effort and build upon the work of other developers, Argon.js and AWE.js are Open Source JavaScript frameworks for adding Augmented Reality content to Web applications.
Results Will Depend on the Developer’s Training and Experience
In my experience, it’s difficult to draw a line between the selection of an AR authoring tool or approach and the quality or richness of the final AR application. The sophistication and quality of the AR experience in an app is a function of both the tools chosen and the skills of the engineers. When those behind the scenes (a) ensure the digital content is well suited to delivery in AR mode; (b) choose the components that match requirements; and (c) design the interactions well, a project will have the best possible impacts.
As with most things, the more experience the developer has with the components that the project requires, the better the outcomes will be. So, while the developer has the responsibility for choosing the best authoring tool, it is the AR project manager’s responsibility to choose the developer carefully.