Augmented Reality in Equipment Assembly and Operation Training: A Neuroscience Perspective

Becoming an expert in equipment assembly and operation requires extensive training and practice. Typically, the operator-in-training begins by studying books and manuals. This learning might be interspersed with instructor-led courses and critical hands-on training.

Once the operator-in-training is deemed “qualified,” he or she is put on the factory floor for on-the-job training. Unfortunately, operators often report feeling ill-equipped to do the job. It is as if much of their prior training was for naught.

The Problem With Current Training

There is a reason for this lack of confidence, and it is rooted in the neuroscience of learning and performance. Constructing a three-dimensional dynamic representation of equipment from two-dimensional training materials requires a huge amount of cognitive effort. First, learners have to hold a mental representation of a series of static images in their short-term (working) memory.

Second, they have to combine them, on the fly, to construct an accurate 3D static representation of the equipment. Finally, they have to infer and impart the dynamic nature of the equipment onto this 3D static representation. Every step in this process is effortful and represents a chance of failure.

Each step also requires an enormous amount of cognitive capacity (in the form of working memory) as well as cognitive energy (in the form of executive attention). Anytime working memory load and executive attentional demands are taxed, we are more likely to make an error and generate an inferior mental representation. Because this cognitive translation process is error-prone, it is impossible to know if the operator-in-training has an accurate representation of the equipment and its operation in his or her head.

Operators-in-training also often have hands-on experience with the equipment. They generally watch an expert complete the steps necessary to assemble and operate a piece of equipment, often with verbal instruction. Next, they are tasked with completing the same steps while receiving corrective feedback from the instructor. This experience is where the real learning takes place.

During this process, the behavioral, experiential and cognitive processing systems of the brain are all active. Simultaneous activation of these learning systems leads to context-rich memory traces that are highly connected and less prone to forgetting. Unfortunately, this type of expert-led learning is time-consuming and costly, and it is not scalable.

Once “certified,” operators are put on the factory floor, where the long-term learning occurs and the ability to deal with adversity develops. This mix of cognitive learning with less frequent, hands-on, expert-led training is suboptimal.

The Solution: Immersive Technology

Immersive technologies like augmented reality (AR) can help. To optimize and increase the efficiency of equipment assembly and operation training, learners need expert-led, hands-on training that simultaneously engages experiential, behavioral and cognitive processing systems. This learning should occur on the factory floor to engage experiential learning systems in the brain that process each sense (occipital lobe for sight, temporal lobes for sound, and parietal lobes for smell and touch).

Within this context, the operators must engage with the equipment to develop the “muscle memories” that link experiential contexts with step-by-step behaviors. Finally, cognitive information provided in this context and in the flow of work via audio or text will engage the prefrontal cortex and, ultimately, reside in long-term memory. This process is how real learning will occur, but companies need a tool that achieves these goals while also being time- and cost-effective and scalable.

Augmented Reality as a Training Tool

Suppose an operator is trained with a hands-free AR tool, such as glasses. She might walk around and view the equipment while receiving verbal or written instructions naming each part and identifying its function. She might touch a specific part and receive more detailed information. The operator might then request training on a specific task, such as disassembling a pump, assembling a control panel or operating the equipment at 70% capacity.

During each of these learning tasks, the operator is in the environment, experiencing the situation (experiential learning). Using visual and auditory assets, the AR tool tells her what to do and when to do it (cognitive learning) so that she learns the steps to follow while performing those steps in real time (behavioral learning) and in the manufacturing environment.

In other words, she learns to operate the equipment by engaging experiential, cognitive and behavioral learning systems in synchrony. Because cognitive and behavioral training co-occurs with visualization of the equipment, as well as the sounds, smells and feel of the equipment, learning is faster and more robust.

The operator-in-training might even be placed in a virtual emergency situation in which she is under a time pressure or where an important tool is missing. This training builds the situational awareness that normally develops on the job, when it can place the facility and its employees at risk. Instead, the operator-in-training can gain experience with these rare but dangerous situations in a safe environment. Her confidence and level of expertise will be higher, and she will achieve them more quickly.

Implementing Augmented Reality

If your organization is interested in using AR tools in your equipment operation and assembly training, a few considerations are in order. First, in most cases, equipment assembly and operation require extensive behavioral interaction. In this case, a hands-free device is likely critical, as it will allow the complete freedom of movement that is central to behavioral skills learning. While hands-free devices are more expensive, hardware costs continue to decline.

In addition, it’s important to consider the human factors of the system. Augmented information can reduce the cognitive load, but it can also overtask the user with unnecessary information. Look for vendors that address these issues and can present data to support the effectiveness of their offering.

Finally, if you are considering a do-it-yourself AR authoring tool, be careful of the risk of cognitive overload. Be sure to conduct good experimental testing and modification to optimize your tool. Your goal is to provide users with what they need, where and when they need it.

With these considerations in mind, you can improve the learning experience, make your employees safer once they’re on the job, and make the worksite a better and more effective place to be.

XR Intelligence Webinar – User experience: what, how much and for how long?

Almost every industry could benefit from XR technology in some way and the immersive landscape is growing every year with more solutions and use cases appearing on the market. However, so far adoption is not as widespread as most in the industry would like. One of the hindrances for increasing the use of XR technology in many businesses is the fact that using a Head Mounted Display for the first time can be daunting and immersive content doesn’t always impress. Just about anyone who is driving XR technology needs to remember the user at all times!

The ideal balance of session length, choice of device and content must be struck, developers must understand their users and avoid common pitfalls impeding faster adoption rates! It is only then we will start to see widespread adoption of XR technology in almost every industry.

To take an in-depth look the user experience aspect of immersive technology, XR Intelligence are hosting an exclusive webinar: User experience: what, how much and for how long? The webinar will feature senior level experts from a range of functions and industries including: Bob Fine, Executive Director, IVRHA (International Virtual Reality and Healthcare Association), Gregory Hough, Digital Projects Manager, GSK, Craig Piper, Learning Delivery Manager, Lloyds Banking Group, Asha Easton, Knowledge Transfer Network Manager, Immerse UK and Antony Vitillo, Blogger at The Ghost Howls.

Taking place on Friday 24th January between 10:00 and 11:00 GMT, the webinar will identify and cure common mistakes when developing and implementing XR technology as well as uncover the real value of focus testing and surveys.

Register for this exclusive webinar today

  • Ensure repeat use by striking the ideal balance of session length, choice of device and content
  • Understand your user through focus testing and surveys
  • Identify what to avoid when introducing XR for the first time

Those who cannot join live will be sent the recordings once the webinar has run.

This webinar is being run in association with XR Intelligence’s upcoming XR Europe Conference & Expo, taking place April 28th 29th, 2020, at the Park Plaza Victoria, London. Expecting more than 300 senior attendees from across gaming, entertainment, healthcare, retail, automotive industries and more, XR Europe is the world’s premier B2B immersive tech event for those wishing to use XR to boost ROI, propel their business forward and engage consumers through immersive, innovative experiences.


Tune in at 10:00 – 11:00 GMT on Friday 24th January to hear practical solutions and valuable insights from our carefully selected panel of experts:

  • Bob Fine, Executive Director, IVRHA (International Virtual Reality and Healthcare Association)
  • Gregory Hough, Digital Projects Manager, GSK
  • Craig Piper, Learning Delivery Manager, Lloyds Banking Group
  • Asha Easton, Knowledge Transfer Network Manager, Immerse UK
  • Antony Vitillo, Blogger and VR/AR Consultant, The Ghost Howls

If you can’t make it – sign up anyway and we will send you the recordings.

More information can be found on the website or please contact Stefan Mullan directly.


Stefan Mullan
Conference Organiser
XR Intelligence
T: +44 (0)207 375 4321
E: smullan@vr-intelligence.com


AREA member Logistiview selected as a BGSA Supply Chain “Shark Tank” Finalist

Seth’s experience in distribution operations and his vision for a better approach to human/computer interaction led him to found LogistiVIEW in 2014 and lead the company to become a pioneer and leader in the development of connected workforce technology.

From the website you can also download a case study of how Peter Millar brought LogistiVIEW to their distribution center to outperform their seasonal targets.  Going live in less than 90 days, find out how they rapidly implemented AR to increase capacity and throughput at their distribution center – all without revamping their systems.

Read LogistiVIEW AREA member profile. 


Favorable Government and Regulatory Policies to Aid the Growth of the AR and VR Market, 2017 – 2025


The global augmented reality and virtual reality market is anticipated to exhibit substantial growth in the coming years. This market is an extremely dynamic, exciting, and promising one and is single-handedly fueled by recent technological advancements. While the application of this technology is already established in sectors such as retail, healthcare, and consumer goods, it is predicted that in the near future, many more new and innovative applications will come to the fore.

The global market for augmented reality and virtual reality can be segmented on the basis of technology into augmented and virtual reality technologies. Among these, augmented reality is projected to witness immense growth during the course of the forecast period owing to the rising demand for AR in gaming, media and entertainment, manufacturing, and healthcare.

By way of sensors and components, the market is fragmented into software, hardware, and services. The hardware segment held the dominant share of over 72.0% in 2015 thanks to the high demand for devices such as glasses, head mounted display, sensors, and console.

The market can also be segmented by application into gaming, media and entertainment, e-commerce, medical, military, and education among others. Gaming, media and entertainment, and healthcare are the most promising segments and are expected to contribute considerably over the forecast period. Further, the demand for augmented reality and virtual reality-based head up displays is likely to increase in the automotive sector in the coming years.

Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality Market: Drivers and Restraints

The global market for augmented reality and virtual reality is fueled the soaring demand and usage of smart phones and the growing application of this technology in the healthcare sector. The high Internet connectivity and penetration is also projected to serve as a driving factor for the global augmented reality and virtual reality market.

Some of the major factors restricting the growth of the market world over are privacy issues, lack of awareness, and image latency. The need for hardware also hampers the augmented reality and virtual reality market in terms of capital investment. However, an increase in R&D initiatives and emerging applications will emerge as key opportunities, fuelling the growth of the market.

Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality Market: Regional Outlook

From a geographical standpoint, the worldwide market is classified into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and Rest of the world. It has been observed that the augmented reality and virtual reality markets in North America, Asia Pacific, and Europe are immensely lucrative, with North America dominating the international scene. In Europe, media and entertainment accounts for a significant share among all end-use applications.

The Asia Pacific market is extremely promising and is slated to exhibit a staggering CAGR over the course of the forecast period. The hardware and service segments are expected to contribute significantly by 2025. China plays a major role in the expansion of the Asia Pacific augmented and virtual reality market.

The Middle East and Africa (MEA) and South America markets are projected to contribute relatively lower revenue to the global market, at the same time, maintaining a steady pace over the forecast period. Hardware is anticipated to emerge as a prominent segment in MEA as well as South America as compared to the services and software segments.

Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality Market: Vendor Landscape

The key players competing in the augmented reality and virtual reality market include Catchoom, Blippar, Innovega Inc., Metaio Gmbh, Laster Technologies, Vertalis Ltd, Total Immersion, Augmented Pixels Co., Kishino Limited, Kooaba AG, Wikitude Gmbh, and Qualcomm Incorporated.

The global augmented reality and virtual reality market is increasingly dynamic and displays a high degree of competition. It is characterized by the presence of a few small-scale players and several of the world’s largest technology firms.

Easing errors and preventing errors in Food industry

It’s not all about robotics replacing humans (although that is evolving into more of a reality every day). More broadly speaking, it’s about how food can be prepared in such a way that it’s as fresh and as clean as possible. From sustainable indoor farming to food safety training solutions that remove the element of human error, food preparation over the next few years may see even more technologies deployed on a large scale.

“Remember Google Glass, Google’s ill-fated attempt to sell computer-enabled eyeglasses to mass consumer audiences? That project may have failed as a consumer product, but it is still very much alive and well as the Glass Enterprise Edition, a product sold to businesses across a number of industries—including foodservice.

Tom Chestnut, senior vice president of the global food division for NSF International, Ann Arbor, Mich., oversees a team that conducts hundreds of thousands of food safety audits across the foodservice industry on an annual basis. In 2014, he initiated conversations with Mountain View, Calif.-based Google about the potential of using the Glass product as a remote training tool for the industry. At first, Chestnut envisioned that instead of sending food safety auditors around the globe, NSF International would be able to send out pairs of Google Glass to foodservice managers and walk them through the auditing procedures remotely.

Fast forward to today, and the scope of the potential applications of this technology has since expanded. It’s being piloted as a food safety training tool with a major franchised restaurant chain, and it could eventually make its way into kitchens across the country. “In food safety, it’s all about, ‘What if we had the ability to correct human error?’ ” Chestnut says. “If an employee is wearing the device, going step by step through food preparation, and the glasses detect a deviation, it will correct them in real time.”

The University of Arkansas Department of Food Science recently conducted a study with Google Glass and NSF International’s training software and found that, on average, participants who used the eyeglasses were able to learn and execute proper food handling techniques in half the amount of time as those who were trained with traditional videos. Plus, there’s no variance in the training, as opposed to having a manager walk each new employee through proper food handling techniques.

Google just released an updated version of the Glass Enterprise Edition, and Chestnut says his team will now be able to start piloting the technology with more restaurants and prepare for a wider release in the near future. Typically, a restaurant chain uses two pairs of Google Glass per location, and there are two pricing models for the device. The hardware itself ranges in cost from $1,200 to $1,400 and can be bought upfront, plus there’s a monthly subscription fee to use the software. Or operators can sign up for a two-year contract in which the fees are broken down and charged monthly over that time frame.”

Read Eye Succeed AREA member profile visit their website EyeSucceed.com and follow them on Twitter @Eye_Succeed

Manufacturers Willing to Spend to Shut the Skills Gap

Chad Moutray, NAM Chief Economist, said “Manufacturers consistently cite the inability to attract and retain talent as their top concern, and as this survey underlines, they are taking strong proactive steps to overcome it.” The Institute’s survey estimates the sector spent more than $26.2 billion on training programs, both for new and existing employees.

69.9% of firms reported they were either creating or expanding internal training programs, and 84.6% reported job-related technical training. The most popular means of encouraging workers to participate in training programs was supervisor encouragement and outreach, at 65.4%, while 63.1% of firms also reported offering tuition assistance. The largest reported obstacle to implementing workforce training was concern over interrupting work hours, at 74.1%.

The survey also reported how companies said training programs effected their employees careers. 74.8% reported increased productivity, 64.9% reported increased employee morale, and 38.9% said that offering training facilitated recruitment efforts—a potentially critical boon.

An earlier study conducted by the Manufacturing Institute in partnership with Deloitte said that 2.4 million manufacturing jobs could go unfilled by 2028 if the skills gap persists.

There is much evidence to show that Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality can aid with training in the workplace particularly in industrial organizations such as manufacturing.  See our case studies and work of the AREA Research Committee for further information.


Magic Leap moves into Business Landscape

The article starts with a little background of Magic Leap’s history to date and moves forward to explain why their new products represent Augmented Reality For a New Crowd:

“The upcoming products for the Magic Leap Enterprise Suite will specifically target the business landscape, including the healthcare vertical. We’ve already seen some evidence that the health industry could be one of the top adopters of new virtual and augmented reality tools, particularly as telehealth becomes more popular.

The enterprise suite from Magic Leap will enable modern employees to use things like spatial computing to learn new skills, manage data, and collaborate in a new environment, with 3D visualisation. Magic Leap believes that focusing on the business environment, rather than the consumer industry will help it to recover from the poor reception to the Magic Leap One Creator Edition of entertainment equipment. The CEO of Magic Leap, Rony Abovitz, expected that the entertainment headsets would sell around one million units in the first year.

It wasn’t just wishful thinking either – the Florida-based company raised $3.13 billion in venture capital to get its idea of the ground. Unfortunately, the company only managed to sell a total of 6,000 of the futuristic headsets within the first six months.

A New Chapter in Spatial Computing

Though comfortable, immersive, and unique, the Magic Leap technology just didn’t vibe with customers as well as the company had hoped. Fortunately, Chief Product Officer, Omar Khan, says that there are still opportunities for Magic Leap to get the jump on the VR/AR competition. The move into the business landscape will signal the arrival of a new chapter for Magic Leap and the spatial computing industry. Magic Leap even believes that the new strategy will lead to significant new business opportunities for its stakeholders.

While the decision to focus on the business market could lead to exciting opportunities for Magic Leap, it’s also worth noting that it puts the company in direct competition with some major brands. Leading companies like Microsoft and Google are already building their own AR applications in the business world. However, there may still be room for a competitor like Magic Leap to sweep in and take a piece of the market. Industries from banking and healthcare to investment services have begun to show that they’re more responsive to AR than consumers in search of entertainment.

Additionally, worldwide spending in the AR environment and virtual reality spaces are expected to increase to $160 billion in 2023. That’s a considerable increase compared to the estimated $16.8 billion spent in 2019, according to IDC.

More Opportunity Outside of the Entertainment Space?

Like many other companies, Magic Leap is just another example of a business that has learned the hard way how hard it is to make AR stick in the entertainment landscape. There are still a lot of hardware issues to think about when it comes to things like battery life, the field of view, and even power performance. It could be years before we see the rise of wearables for computing experiences in the consumer landscape. Apple isn’t even thinking about unveiling AR glasses until 2023, for instance.

On the other hand, there seems to be more opportunity for businesses who can bring new realities to the data management, communication, and collaboration experiences. For instance, Google Glass might have failed as a product for everyday customers, but a later version did catch on in the business market. Similarly, Microsoft has seen some success with the arrival of the HoloLens 2.

Magic Leap has recruited various companies to help build the applications and services that will be available in the upcoming Enterprise Suite. PTC was one of the brands contributing to the solution. They claim that users of Magic Leap will be able to access the AR capabilities of the Vuforia Engine via Magic Leap products.”

Magic Leap 1 Enterprise Suite includes:

  • Magic Leap 1, an updated version of the Magic Leap One Creator Edition
  • Two-year access to dedicated omni-channel support
  • Two-year access to Device Manager with enterprise-level support from Magic Leap. Device Manager lets authorised administrators control important aspects of working with Magic Leap 1, enabling them to configure and set up devices, view usage metrics, remotely distribute apps and updates, and remotely lock or wipe devices if needed
  • Two-year access to a RapidReplace program, so you can get a new device quickly if you need one
  • A two-year extended warranty to guarantee Magic Leap 1 always works as it should

NexTech AR brings its augmented reality technology to the mining sector

The Toronto-based company announced Tuesday that Romios Gold Resources a junior mining company, has contracted for NexTech’s 3D/AR omni-channel services to help showcase its exploration projects.

“Today’s announcement marks the beginning of a significant new use case and opportunity for NexTech’s AR Solutions in the mining sector,” the company said in a statement.

NexTech noted that the top 40 global mining companies, which represent a vast majority of the whole industry, reported some US$683 billion of revenue in 2018, according to Statista.

The company’s AR technology will help drive Romios marketing and client-education activities in 2020 while creating an enormous new business opportunity for NexTech.

“Romios Gold Resources is delighted to work with NexTechAR as we introduce Augmented Reality to the Resource industry together,” said Tom Drivas, president of Romios.

“We believe there is great value in allowing potential investors and industry experts to view core samples from our exploration projects in high-fidelity 3D. Going forward we will look to find other innovative ways to leverage this technology into our various marketing strategies, and pioneer together, new industry standards.”

NexTech CEO Evan Gappelberg noted that his company’s technology will help “Romios to bridge the gap by showing what actual core samples look like in 3D/AR for investors and potential investors creating a critical use case to Romios and the mining industry.”

He added: “We are always looking for new industries to leverage our AR solutions. The mining sector is certainly a new industry for us and we are the first companies to create 3D/AR core samples, which we believe could become a new industry standard for the entire mining industry.”

Read the press release here.

The AMRC & MTC – Immersive Learning Survey

We are looking for businesses to take our short survey relating to their current state of immersive adoption, to directly improve the framework, research and software solution and maximising the benefit to your business.

Take the survey – Complete the survey.

Augmented reality and virtual reality to add $4.1bn to UAE economy by 2030, PwC says

AR and VR will also have a significant impact on employment in the UAE, helping to create more than 42,000 jobs in the country over the next ten years.

“AR and VR technologies will improve how organisations in the country operate, make for a seamless transition to more effective processes… educate people more effectively and generate incredible user experiences,” said Ali Al Hosseini, chief digital officer at PwC Middle East.

Globally, AR and VR are expected to contribute $1.5 trillion to the economy by 2030, PwC said.

Finland ($7.8bn), Germany ($103.6bn) and the UK ($69.3bn) are set to see the biggest impact from AR and VR on their economies, with the technology adding 2.64 per cent, 2.46 per cent and 2.44 per cent respectively to their GDP by 2030.

The UAE will see a 0.95 per cent increase in GDP from AR and VR by 2030, the study said.

AR enhances real world situations using digital capabilities. It also lets users interact with other people while accessing digital information, such as reading text messages and operating navigation apps.

In VR, users wear headsets with high-resolution lenses. It is currently used for gaming and immersive video, offering users an experience that is different from the real or physical world.

Tech companies are investing heavily in these sectors. Apple has about 1,000 engineers developing products based on these technologies and aims to release a combined AR and VR headset with a focus on gaming, video and virtual meetings within the next couple of years.

“AR and VR are transforming the world we live in and we have only seen a fraction of what is possible,” said Richard Boxshall, senior economist at PwC Middle East.

In the UAE, these technologies can deliver experiences “unlike any other and will make businesses thrive with the right adoption”, said Mr Boxshall.