The ETC (Emerging Technology Centers), Baltimore City’s award-winning technology innovation centers, announced today that Juxtopia, a successful ETC resident company, has been awarded one of three available grants from The Center for the Advancement of Science (CASIS) in Space. CASIS is the nonprofit organization managing research onboard the ISS U.S. National Laboratory. The grants will fund projects focused on enabling technologies for the International Space Station (ISS). Dr. Jayfus Doswell, C.E.O. of Juxtopia, LLC (Baltimore, MD), will develop and evaluate a custom tailored augmented reality (AR) goggle/software system for use onboard ISS, the Juxtopia® Context-Aware Mobile Mixed Assistive Device™ (CAMMRAD). The Juxtopia® CAMMRAD is manufactured from the Juxtopia® Context-Aware Augmented Reality System (CAARS) Platform, which was originally funded by the National Science Foundation in 2005.
“These AR goggles will provide virtual assistance that will improve the speed and accuracy with which astronauts perform ISS National Lab science experiments,” said Doswell. “Moreover, Earth-based markets for this product exist in emergency organizations that employ first responders who work in austere and extreme environments.” On an October 15, 2014 press release by CASIS, the Center stated that these awards stemmed from its Request for Proposal (RFP) “Enabling Technology to Support Science in Space for Life on Earth.” The purpose of this RFP, the press release stated, was to identify and support technology development projects that would enable increased use of ISS for Earth benefits—for example, improvements in hardware/capabilities or methods to improve bandwidth, throughput, or quality of future research projects.
“We wish to congratulate Dr. Doswell in this great accomplishment,” said Deb Tillett, ETC’s President. “The work that Juxtopia and other ETC resident companies are doing is awe-inspiring and continues to position Baltimore as a global leader in innovation and technology,” she added. Other grant winners included Dr. Scott Green from Controlled Dynamics of Huntington Beach, CA who seeks to develop an insert for existing ISS hardware that will provide research payloads with a “controlled dynamic acceleration environment” that would lessen fluctuations/disturbances in the microgravity environment that occur onboard the moving spacecraft; and Dr. Mason Peck from Cornell University (in coordination with NanoRacks, LLC) who seeks to adapt a spacecraft-on-a-chip experimental platform called “Sprite” to eventually be programmed in place and deployed from ISS, providing a very low-cost small-satellite platform for science and technology development.
“Juxtopia looks forward to improving human performance® on Earth, equipping first response workers with the Juxtopia® Augmented Reality Goggle system. The Juxtopia® wearable AR Goggle/software platform has true capabilities to augment natural human capabilities assisting astronauts perform tasks faster and with improved accuracy,” concluded Dr. Doswell.
About Juxtopia
Juxtopia is a biomedical and information technology (BIO-IT) company and an innovative leader in the design and development of human performance products. Our innovative and patent pending technology is designed to integrate into your daily routine and provide services to