Novarad OpenSight Augmented Reality System First Surgical Use

According to an article on Business wire the first Augmented Reality surgical procedure took place using a technology known as Novarad’s OpenSight. This technology uses the Microsoft HoloLens, and can help with 3D imaging, advanced segmentation and rendering.
Novarad Corporation, a leader in the development of medical imaging software, created OpenSight to render patient studies into 3D and present them in an interactive manner accurately overlaid directly onto the patient’s body. This leverages a host of advanced technologies including 3D imaging, advanced segmentation and rendering, registration, motion correction, virtual tools and 3D annotation technologies.
The doctor who performed the operation, Dr. Wendell Gibby said “This is very new stuff. It’s the first procedure I’m aware of that has done this in the world. People have performed some work with 3D models and simulations. We had some papers recently at the ASNR [American Society of Neuroradiology] about this, but it’s the first time we’ve tried it on a patient.”
Using the HoloLens technology, OpenSight registers medical imaging studies such as MRIs and CTs over the patient in real time, enabling the wearer to both see the patient and see through the patient with dynamic holograms of their internal anatomy.
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