Augmented Reality Use Cases for Space
NASA engineers are exploring ways for astronauts to use AR-assisted smart glasses in space. An article published in MIT Technology Review, confirms that NASA is also certifying Microsoft’s HoloLens for launch into space on December 3, and despite obstacles, sees many use cases.
The article cites use cases that leverage the vast inventory of parts and objects on board the International Space Station. Using the inventory, a system may guide users to a needed object more quickly than alternatives. Returning objects to their designated storage place is another task that AR-assisted procedures could help astronauts perform with fewer errors. These tasks closely resemble use cases developed to support warehouse workers on Earth.
Augmented Reality procedures can also help astronauts perform a wide variety of preventive maintenance tasks. For example, astronauts will be assisted by their smart glasses when checking operation of emergency breathing equipment. Studies may be able to quantify the time savings as well as reduction in errors. Augmented Reality-assisted collaboration between astronauts and remote experts is also expected to help reduce time in pre-flight training and when performing tasks with unfamiliar payloads.