PTC – Reducing Scrap and Rework with Augmented Reality

Industrial organizations leave millions in potential revenue on the table each year due to production line downtime, defects, and waste. Augmented reality is helping today’s manufacturers become more agile and efficient by empowering frontline workers with on-the-job procedural guidance and more effective training.

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Could AR Help Service Technicians and Attract New Hires?

Korry Kobel, director of engineering at JLG Industries, discussed the benefits of incorporating AR technology into the service technician field while speaking at the Access, Lifts and Handlers (ALH) Conference & Awards on September 12-13, 2019, in San Diego.

Augmented or “mixed reality” technology has been gathering pace across a multitude of industries for its ability to overlay digital information to the human field of view in real time. Kobel believes equipment service technicians could really benefit from using this technology, as well.  ­

With the adoption of AR, construction equipment service technicians could have the opportunity to optimize their service workflows, and they would have the tools to attract a new generation of service technicians.

Optimizing Service Workflows

Historically, service technicians have had to search through manuals upon manuals to find the information they needed. This could be a lengthy process if the technicians didn’t already have an idea of where to quickly find that information.

With time, service technicians were then able to transfer that information to desktops. The adoption of desktops was useful, but service technicians couldn’t carry their desktops everywhere they went. It wasn’t until the laptop and smartphone that they could easily access and reference information wherever they needed.

But now, it can go a step even further. With AR, service technicians would be able to hold up their smartphone or device to see the information displayed right in front of them as an overlay. All they would need is a camera and the software to run the technology.

For example, AR could help technicians quickly execute field repairs. A technician would be able to go up to a machine, hold his phone in front of it and see instructions, data or other valuable information displayed right on the screen.

Kobel explained that sometimes technicians go into environments that are loud and chaotic. AR would help simplify that, and allow the technician to do his or her job without the added distractions.

“Augmented reality is that tool that can help cut through the noise and chaos,” Kobel said.

The ability to simplify their workspace with AR would optimize service workflows and allow technicians to resolve technical issues more efficiently than ever before.

 Attracting a New Generation

The equipment industry is having more and more challenges finding service technicians, Kobel pointed out. He recalled a poll which said that 64% of Millennials wouldn’t work in the industry even if they were paid more that $100,000 a year.

Kobel attributed this to what he called the “expectation of education.” More Millennials have and are getting four-year degrees than past generations. This means that over time the industry has seen a decline in service technicians as more workers are seeking higher education.

There is a likelihood that Generation Z will follow with the same expectation of education, and possibly even more so. Those in Generation Z have grown up with information always at their fingertips, said Kobel. Their expectations of learning are simply much higher, yet he remains optimistic.

“The good news is that over a third of the generation is willing to work in this industry,” he said. “So, I don’t think it’s as bleak as the poll shows.

Kobel explained that adopting AR technology could help attract this new generation of technicians because it would give them what they already expect—which is instant access to information.

AR would modernize the industry, and it would also help the new generation of technicians enter the field much faster. It would serve as a highly detailed visual training tool that would allow new technicians to view and learn specific equipment details. The on-the-spot training would cut loss of productivity and would help new technicians enter the industry with ease.

For Kobel, there is no doubt that adopting AR into the equipment industry would play a significant role in changing how technicians do their work in a positive way. It would help them access information and resolve technical issues much faster. It would also help the industry attract a new generation of workers by meeting their growing expectations of technology.


The Industrial Internet Consortium and the Augmented Reality Enterprise Alliance (AREA) Announce Liaison

Joint activities between the IIC and the AREA will include:

  • Collaboration on joint marketing activities through established liaison channels
  • Collaboration on AR related use cases, requirements, security, safety, and research
  • Collaboration on testbeds

“Augmented Reality has a tremendous potential to help enterprises of all kinds increase productivity, lower costs and improve safety – from manufacturing advances to service efficiencies,” said Wael William Diab, Chair of the IIC Liaison Working Group and Secretary of the IIC Steering Committee. “By working together, our organizations can continue to help accelerate the adoption of the IIoT across many industries.”

“It is vital to the mission of the AREA and the success of its enterprise members to help advance the convergence of the Industrial Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence and Augmented Reality,” said Mark Sage, Executive Director of the AREA. “Our partnership with the IIC and its Liaison Working Group enables us to strengthen our focus on helping the ecosystem players increase their efficiency and improve their business performance.”

The IIC Liaison Working Group is the gateway for formal relationships with standards and open-source organizations, consortia, alliances, certification and testing bodies and government entities/agencies. The agreement with the AREA is one of a number of agreements made by the IIC’s Liaison Working Group. For a list of current liaisons, click here.

Read the press release in full.

How Augmented Reality Will Overhaul Our Most Crucial Industries

In summary, the markets covered in this piece are:


including surgeons and physicians, assistance for those with disabilities and biometric displays

Retail & Advertising

including virtual shopping and advertising

Education & Travel

including customized, continuous learning, training and travel


including Design, Supply chain optimization and Quality assurance & accessible expertise

Transportation & Navigation

including Autonomous vehicles and navigation


including Gaming, Art and Shows

The author finishes the article with some final thoughts: while AR headset manufacturers and mixed reality developers race to build enterprise solutions from manufacturing to transportation, AR’s use in consumer products is following close behind.

Magic Leap leads the way in developing consumer experiences we’ve long been waiting for, as the “Magicverse” of localized AR displays in shared physical spaces will reinvent our modes of connection.

And as AR-supportive hardware is now built into today’s newest smartphones, businesses have an invaluable opportunity to gamify products and immerse millions of consumers in service-related AR experiences.

Even beyond the most obvious first-order AR business cases, new industries to support the augmented world of 2030 will soon surge in market competition, whether headset hardware, data storage solutions, sensors, or holograph and projection technologies.

The full original article can be read here.

Heads up! Wearable heads-up displays are coming to a warehouse near you

Wearable technologies are all the rage in the warehouse these days, with workers being accessorized with everything from smart glasses to smart watches and even wrist-strapped barcode scanners that promise to increase intelligence and productivity. But, one wearable that warrants a closer look in the coming months is the “heads-up display” or HUD.

Heads-up displays were first used by military fighter jet pilots who needed to be able to see data related to their aircrafts with the head positioned “up” and looking forward, instead of angled down looking at lower instruments. But the military isn’t the only one taking advantage of HUD technologies today.

Auto manufacturers are now integrating windshield-projected heads-up displays as both standard and optional features in certain models to help keep drivers’ eyes on the road in the digital age, and HUDs are being sold by third parties as standalone devices, much like GPS devices were in their early days.

However, the mounted heads-up displays described in these two scenarios are a bit different than the type of HUD technology that other manufacturers and their supply chain partners are setting their sights on right now.

This article focuses on an interview between Zebra’s in-house expert Todd Boone to paint a picture of how heads-up display technologies could be used in your factory, warehouse or distribution center and what they will likely look like.

Questions and topics covered in detail in the interview:

With the proliferation of mobile devices these days, why would warehouse or factory workers need a heads-up display? Can’t they access all the data need on their mobile computer, scanner or tablet, depending on their job?

Other issues covered in detail in this blog post include considerations for workers who wear prescription glasses, issues of comfort, weight, ruggedness and issues for adoption.

The full interview with all the questions answered can be read here.

Round up of #EWTS2019 Dallas on Forbes

Fink writes, “Brainxchange has consolidated its position at the nexus of the growing enterprise XR ecosystem, with the ability to bring together both augmented reality companies and the large enterprises that are now testing and implementing XR solutions.

For EWTS, Brainxchange focused on securing participation from the end user, and achieved a 75-25 ratio of buyers to sellers. They invited process innovation executives from Fortune 1000 companies from all over the world one at a time to share their experiences implementing XR in their workflows.

Michael Gonzalez, Head of Audience Development at BrainXchange told us when he identifies end users that are seriously considering or actively deploying XR, he will go above and beyond to get them to attend, even if that means calling 47 times over two years. As a result, for the first time at an XR conference, buyers outnumbered sellers. Their use cases were front and center, illustrating why enterprise XR is at an inflection point.

The use cases revealed qualities companies look for when bringing new solutions to their specific business process. While spatial computing had its powerful cameo at the show, mundane tasks like VR training, remote experts (see-what-I-see), and work instructions were the stars, though glamorous they are not. The emerging killer apps were again confirmed to be training and simulation, knowledge capture, remote experts, and work instructions.

All aspects of XR are discussed including platforms and hardware such as head mounted displays.   A number of AR providers who are also AREA members are mentioned in the article – which also features product visuals, new features and information about new releases.

AREA members featured in the article who attended EWTS 2019 and showcased products include:

Upskill, REFLEK’T, Epson, Scope AR, PTC Vuforia, Qualcomm, Vuzix and RealWear, ThirdEye and Lenovo.

To read the full original article click here – Process Innovation Execs Define XR in Dallas.

Augmented reality in phlebology practice: Is it essential?

In this modern age, technology has become so intertwined with our own lives that we no longer notice how embedded it is in our day-to-day activities. Furthermore, it is accepted that in just a few years, many of today’s jobs will not even exist. When it comes to medicine, the situation is no different; each day there is something new going on, and to row against the stream does not seem to be the best way of navigating the waves of technological change.

In 2006, Kasuo Miyake et al published an article entitled “Vein imaging: a new method of near infrared imaging, where a processed image is projected onto the skin for the enhancement of vein treatment,” describing the use of augmented reality (AR) for vein treatment. Since that time, many improvements have arrived and the tool has been incorporated as part of many phlebologists’ daily routine.

When the work was published in 2006, it was proven that AR could identify veins that were invisible to the naked eye and too shallow for ultrasound detection—today, some high frequency US transducers can also identify and measure those veins. The AR devices emit a near infrared light, which is absorbed by the blood and reflected by adjacent tissues. The information is captured, processed and projected onto the skin surface in real time.

Real time imaging is especially useful when performing transdermal laser and CLaCS (Cryo-Laser Cryo-Sclerotherapy). It allows us to observe the vessel’s immediate response, its spasm and the effectiveness—or not—of our laser settings, and helps us to find the best spot for puncture after lasing, even on darker skin. Moreover, the technology allows us to always select the best projection colour for each type of skin, ensuring that we can see the image.

There are a few AR devices available, but the better the equipment, the faster its image processing and lesser the parallax effect (the difference we find between the vein’s real position and the projection we get from the device onto the skin). Nevertheless, there are a few easy tricks for punctures, such as aligning the needle image to the vein image, which help us to overcome this drawback.

Read the full original article here. 

EPRI Report on Safety Aspects of Using Augmented Reality Technologies

The project began in September 2017 and is now concluded.

This recently completed project was funded by the EPRI’s Technology Innovation program (first two years) and in this final year it was supported by members of Program 62-Occupational Health and Safety.  In addition, this project received in-kind support of the augmented reality equipment by EPRI’s Program 161 – Information & Communication Technology – John Simmins of Alfred University and Norm McCullough.

Some of the key findings of this report included:

  • A system of hardware, software, and experimental protocol was developed to measure the electromyography (EMG) activity of major neck and shoulder muscles and eye blink rate while two
  • groups of utility workers—power plant operators and manhole workers—used the HoloLens and HMT-1 to conduct common tasks.  In addition, we assessed situational awareness.
  • The extra weight of the HoloLens and HMT-1 did not, in general, increase the EMG activity of the neck and upper shoulder muscles.
  • The HoloLens decreased blink rate 6 to 11 blinks per minute for the manhole workers when they performed two of the tasks: manhole inspection and taping a splice. A decrease in blink rate is an
  • indicator of eye strain, which includes dry-eye syndrome.
  • The power plant operators rated the HMT-1 easier to use and more comfortable than the HoloLens.  The manhole workers rated the HMT-1 more comfortable than the HoloLens.
  • The perceived ratings of situational awareness—that is, the ability to detect objects around the worker and conduct work safely—did not vary significantly between the two AR devices.

An important caveat with these findings is that the tasks were of rather short duration.  As a first of its kind, we have drawn some lessons learned about potential new work.  We recommend that that future studies should be done addressing longer tasks.  Also, AR technologies are advancing and future studies should reflect those advances.  For example, the HoloLens used in this project was 1st gen.

EPRI previously published a literature review on this topic, which was the most downloaded report in 2018 from EPRI Program 62-Occupational Health and Safety.  This report is still available at www.epri.com and remains in the public domain.

The title of the report is: Program on Technology Innovation: Augmented Reality—Literature Review of Human Factors Issues in the Electric Power Industry. EPRI, Palo Alto, CA: 2018. 3002012532.

The AREA team and on behalf of all our members would like to congratulate all those involved in the project and for making this available in the public domain.

XRHealth Partners with Allscripts to Provide Integrated Virtual Reality/Augmented Reality Platforms


XRHealth offers virtual reality and augmented reality solutions to hospitals, healthcare facilities, and patients and provides an engaging, therapeutic experience that helps alleviate pain, improve motor function, assess cognitive functioning, and encourages overall wellness and health. Both the VRHealth and ARHealth portals offer real-time analytics so that healthcare practitioners could evaluate patient progress and have clear insights on patient data.

“The Allscripts and XRHealth partnership will provide doctors one platform to view all critical patient information,” says Eran Orr, CEO of XRHealth. “All patient health records and data will be in one location so that medical professionals can easily see how therapies are helping their patients and can make necessary adjustments in real-time. The partnership marks the first time, worldwide, that VR/AR apps will be an integral part of an EHR platform.”

“Allscripts is excited about the opportunity to partner with XRHealth. We’re looking forward to bringing their innovative VR and AR applications to market for our clients through the Allscripts Developer Program,” says Tina Joros, Vice President & General Manager Open and Allscripts Practice Financial Platform.

The Allscripts Developer Program (ADP) offers both proprietary and FHIR® enabled APIs to connect third-party applications, devices and other innovative healthcare technologies with Allscripts products. Allscripts has been supporting API integration since 2007 and is enabling over a billion data exchanges each year ­– the largest documented utilization of APIs in healthcare.


7 things to know about the augmented reality landscape – September 2019

  1. AR is growing

The Venture Reality Fund now tracks more than 380 companies on the AR landscape, a 33% increase from 2018. Apple has been slow to launch its rumored AR hardware technology, but others aren’t waiting.

  1. HMD (head-mounted display) AR is in a transition

It is moving from the first generation to a new generation. As a result, early players like Daqri, CastAR, and ODG shut down and Meta was resurrected as MetaView.

Current generation AR companies like MagicLeap and RealWear continue to be funded and Microsoft is about to release Version 2 of Hololens, which the Venture Reality Fund believes will have a big impact in further AR enterprise adoption.

For consumers, companies are launching specialized hardware, like North’s Focals smart glasses, Form’s AR swimming goggles or Bose AR’s audio-only sunglasses.

Neither Microsoft, Magic Leap nor others have announced when their consumer versions will be available. General purpose HMD AR devices are still a year or two away.

  1. Enterprise continues growth trajectory

For software, the main growth is in enterprise solutions and content creation tools across multiple sectors, including automotive, pharmaceutical, and healthcare, among others. The US Army’s $479 million contract with Microsoft Hololens in late 2018 is the biggest validation of enterprise value of AR.

  1. AR needs new types of content

The tools category saw expansion of general-purpose tools and for new content forms – specifically volumetric capture. The increased interest in volumetric capture content, which works for both AR and VR, is partially driven by 5G networks capabilities.

  1. Consumer AR content is alive and well

Consumer AR fun continues to grow, mostly on mobile devices. Games are a big hit, such as Niantic’s Pokemon Go and Harry Potter Wizards Unite, Tencent’s Let’s Hunt Monsters in China, and the upcoming Minecraft Earth. And, of course, social hilarity from apps like Snap are growing, giving company’s install base a boost.

  1. Mobile AR 2.0 is coming

With next-gen AR cloud-enabled software development kits (SDKs) due at year end, you can expect to see even richer interactions, persistence, global mapping, and multi-user features, all of which will result in a significant uptick in the mobile AR ecosystem.

  1. Investments Will Continue

AR is still in early days, but with HMD AR and mobile AR platforms evolution robust ecosystems are building and worthy of continued investment. Overall, AR’s future is bright as we enter a new phase of its growth cycle.

Read the article in Full including use cases from Qualcomm Research.