How AREA Research Projects are Furthering the Adoption of Enterprise AR

With the recent publication of our Measuring AR ROI Calculator and Best Practices Report, we at the AREA are demonstrating our commitment to addressing obstacles that enterprises face when introducing and expanding their AR initiatives.

The report, calculator and case study are the output of the second in an ongoing series of research projects aimed at addressing the critical questions faced by enterprises seeking to launch and expand AR initiatives.

“The ROI report and the detailed case study prepared by Strategy Analytics for the AREA offer the most detailed explanations of the factors that must be considered when preparing a complete ROI analysis on AR and help to pinpoint where impacts will be greatest,” said Christine Perey, PEREY Research & Consulting, and the chair of the AREA Research Committee. “The calculator with instructions is the first tool of its kind and can be used immediately by business planners and AR project managers.”

Selected and funded directly by members, the AREA research projects offer tangible value, not only to enterprises developing their AR strategies, but also AR solution providers and non-commercial members. Member-exclusive research results include:

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