Augmented Reality for Enterprise Alliance

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Appearition develops, delivers and supports innovative Augmented and Virtual Reality solutions for enterprise systems. The company’s AR solutions enhance engagement by enabling users to interact with virtual objects using smart phones, tablets and wearables, and to experience services and information in new ways.

Appearition provides both software and consulting services to customers in a variety of consumer and enterprise markets. The company also promotes a digital innovation alliance partnership with customers to unlock opportunities with digital transformation.

Background and Achievements

Appearition offers the GreenSpot framework for digital transformation that promotes a shared understanding of defined enterprise business initiatives and objectives. GreenSpot advances business outcomes for customers, enabling them to shift from being technology driven to customer-experience driven.

This includes:

  • Delivery of a roadmap for digital engagement
  • Incorporating the benefits of Augmented Reality, IoT, cloud and data
  • Changing the organizational focus from data collection to knowledge creation and decision-making outcomes

The framework provides a basis for realizing the business benefits of Augmented Reality and implementing it in an organization.

The company also offers the Appearition Platform, a suite of products that includes floAR, an Augmented Reality-enhanced workflow system for maintenance and field operations. Operators in the field use floAR for task scheduling, job reporting and for accessing documentation and information about assets with an AR-enhanced mobile device. The software uses AR for recognizing real world objects and virtually overlaying them with relevant information.

Challenges to Be Addressed

Companies seeking to incorporate AR solutions must find the right partners with whom to work and should clearly evaluate risks, costs and implementation challenges. It’s also necessary to have a long-term view on benefits such as return on investment and to plan ahead for scalability.

Those companies that offer AR solutions must invest the required time, effort and funds in proofs of concept and trials for confirming return on investment and equity. They must be aware of the potential of AR both with respect to their own domains and experience, as well as to unexplored markets. Finally, they shouldn’t underestimate the pace of innovation and must even be able to predict it.

Why AR Is Strategic

Augmented Reality along with IoT, Big Data and other emerging technologies is a key component of the digital transformation roadmap, and it’s important to work with partners in a variety of industries to develop successful applications. Each customer has unique goals but once proper frameworks and tools for implementation are developed, AR as a strategic asset will be better understood in the context of the customer’s business.

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