Video: Boeing and DAQRI Discuss Enterprise Augmented Reality
During a fireside chat conducted at the Web Summit in December, Paul Davies of Boeing and Matt Kammerait of DAQRI summarized the history of AR and explained why it is important for, and provides new value to their companies. The conversation then turned to the future. Davies and Kammerait discussed the many opportunities and challenges ahead for enterprise Augmented Reality. Davies summarized the use cases found in manufacturing aircraft and other Boeing products. He also explained his vision for work instruction delivery in the future: a seamless digital thread that is parallel to the real world that is totally integrated. In the future, Davies suggested, Augmented Reality will be fully integrated into industrial design and production systems. It will always be available when and as needed.
Matt Kammerait described the origins of his company and the challenges encountered, which led to the design and development of the Smart Helmet. He closed by describing the future to which DAQRI products are designed to contribute: a time when any worker will be able to perform any task on any project at any time in any company.