SMI Introduces New Mobile Eye Tracking Algorithms and Platform
Many hands-free Augmented Reality-assisted display providers are experimenting with voice, gesture and touch for user interaction. One of the options that has been the study of researchers requires the use of gaze detection and tracking for eye gestures. Past implementations of gaze-based user interfaces have not been widely adopted due to high need for training, slow performance and lack of accuracy.
In a press release issued by SensoMotoric Instruments (SMI), the company says that in its booth at SIGGRAPH visitors will be able to experience new eye tracking algorithms using the EPSON Moverio BT-200. The company reports that it will replace cumbersome and error-prone display calibration routines, provide higher quality results and add continuous adaption of the AR experience to the user’s biometric information with new eye tracking algorithms.
The systems are currently targeted at researchers. The platform has been tested in a German Federal Ministry for Education and Research funded project conducted by Cluster of Excellence Cognitive Interactive Technology (CITEC) researchers at Bielefeld University.