RealWear announces Shell Selects HMT-1Z1 and HMT-1 Hands free computers for field workers
On April 2 2019 AREA member RealWear announced that Shell has selected RealWear’s hands-free head-mounted RealWear HMT-1Z1™ platform to support in the digital transformation of its operations. The devices are being deployed through Honeywell in 12 countries including US, China, Russia, India, Germany and Austria and 24 operational sites.
From RealWear’s Press Release:
“A new era of computing has arrived. Just as laptops and mobile phones are standard for desk workers, voice command and augmented reality for wearable computers will become commonplace for field staff in our industry, driving safety and productivity.”
Michael Kaldenbach, Digital Realities Lead, Shell
The RealWear HMT-1Z1 is an intrinsically safe voice-controlled device with a micro-display that shows an image to a user as if they were viewing a seven-inch screen. The head-mounted computer is the world’s first commercially available device that permits field workers in highly restricted ATEX Zone 1 C1/D1 zones to use a wearable device where potentially explosive gases are present, helping to reduce health and safety work hazards.
Shell is currently using the HMT-1Z1 for remote assistance. For instance, if equipment needs maintenance, a worker can get real-time assistance via a video call, allowing an expert to essentially see through the eyes of the onsite worker and offer over-the-shoulder assistance. In one example, an expert uses Augmented Reality to remotely “draw” on the worker’s screen which is visualized on the head mounted screen.
Shell has already field tested and deployed 40 RealWear HMT-1Z1s in multiple countries and under different conditions and is now looking to roll out the devices further.
“In close collaboration with Shell and together with RealWear’s technology, Honeywell helps to change the way field workers operate, enabling higher levels of competency, productivity and safety assurance. By addressing key customer needs, Honeywell supports industrial companies like Shell in their digital transformation journey.”
John Rudolph, President, Honeywell Process Solutions
Honeywell is the global supplier of the HMT-1Z1 and provides additional software applications, services and hands-on field knowledge.
“We are thrilled to be working with Shell and Honeywell on this historic connected field worker program. It is the people in the field who are at the heart of every company. This vote of confidence by Shell marks a turning point for the 2.7 billion deskless workers globally who increasingly require the same connectivity as those who sit behind a desk.”
Andy Lowery, Cofounder and CEO, RealWear
Shell is an early adopter of augmented and virtual reality solutions for plants and workers. The move to wearables and mixed reality is part of Shell’s broader digital transformation.