Reaction to AREA DMDII Global AR Requirements

A recent article on asks whether AR for Industrial workers is about to take off. As AR technology matures, it is finding application in the energy and utilities market as well as other manufacturing and industrial use cases.

The article links The AREA and DMDII’s announcement of the first hardware and software standards for AR in industrial settings, Global AR Requirements. There are positive performance indicators across the market as early adopters of industrial AR are moving into more substantial deployments. The article mentions ODG’s announcement of new AR Smart Glasses for use in hazardous locations for example, oil exploration and production, energy, mining, utilities, chemical production and pharmaceuticals.

The AR Requirements address hardware features such as battery life, connectivity, field of view, onboard storage, onboard operating systems, environmental aspects, inputs/outputs and safety. They also cover software functions such as authoring, AR content, creating 3D content, deployment of AR content and Internet of Things.

The full article can be read at

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