Profile of a Daily Augmented Reality User
To be clear, the profile of Jomi Holt published on the XOEye Technologies blog is not that of a daily Augmented Reality user. But it’s not terribly far.
Jomi Holt is an Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) technician at Lee Company. Lee Company has integrated wearable technology solutions from XOEye Technologies with their field service teams, making the use of remote experts a natural extension of the problem-solving process for their field technicians. Holt is one of the first to embrace and to use the technology on a daily basis. Technicians with less experience than Holt are able to contact him or one another with their XOEye software, using a Vuzix M-100’s camera to capture video, photographs and sounds or to transmit them in real time as part of a session.
Lee Company’s president, Richard Perko, has aspirations to put in a triage center using the XOEye system. From the center, experts will be able to spend their time mentoring and assisting a larger number of field technicians and improving customer outcomes.
Although not part of their stated plans, it will not be difficult for Lee or others to extend the capabilities and the scenarios described in this post to include Augmented Reality features.