New 3D HCI Model with Augmented Reality
University faculty and students are increasingly studying Augmented Reality-related research topics. Although the scope of what might be included as AR-related research could be the topic of its own dissertation, most recognize that Augmented Reality is a new mode of human computer interaction.
In his doctoral thesis published recently by University of Deusto (Bilbao, Spain), Dr. Mikel Salazar proposes a novel HCI model that takes advantage of the new capabilities of Augmented Reality systems to facilitate the construction of user interfaces embedded into the real world. The paradigm Salazar proposes in his thesis allows both developers and end users to create—and share—user experiences beyond those offered with a traditional two dimensional paradigm. Traditionally, the user selects either by pointing directly towards the desired item (in the case of touch-screens and 3D scanners) or by defining a selection box/cursor over it (using a mouse or keyboard).
The new 3D HCI Salazar proposes defines a new basic pointing mechanism. By selecting two points in three-dimensional space (either with a gaze/hand tracking system or, indirectly, with a 3D mouse), the user generates a virtual ray that, once projected onto the virtual scene, determines which objects are to be selected (based on the collision points between the ray and the objects).