National Defence Advanced AR and VR Headwear
Technology improvements driven by the commercial sector are expected to yield virtual and augmented reality goggles that solve many of the problems associated with the headsets being used by the U.S. military today, experts say.
A long article published in the National Defense Magazine discusses the way in which VR and AR headgear can improve a variety of defence missions.
One example is the way troops train for high-end fights against advanced adversaries by providing digitally created enemy forces or other environmental factors that they might encounter in a real battle, officials have noted.
“The commercial sector is where all the gamers are going to be using that stuff too,” said Michael Blades, vice president of aerospace, defense and security at market analysis firm Frost & Sullivan. “They’re going to be changing and updating and upgrading to keep pace with their competitors in that market, and that’s going to increase the capability for the users on the defense end. So defense is going to end up winning from that commercial competition because they’re going to get better capabilities for training.”
The article references Air Force’s Pilot Training Next program, which aims to make aviator training more efficient and push undergraduates through the pipeline faster.
The article refers to a number of specific headsets and technological advances and drawbacks such as field of view, latency and headset weight. Market analyses are drawn from various sources.