Modular Architectures for Augmented Reality Help Ensure Sustainability
In this post on the Augmensys blog, the author analyzes the disruptive effects of having an ecosystem of Augmented Reality technology providers that is insufficiently big and developed to withstand acquisitions, such as that of Metaio by Apple. Although the emphasis is on the benefits of the company’s proprietary system, it raises the important point that if Augmented Reality is to be considered a sustainable component of enterprise IT systems, it must be able to shift to new suppliers as the conditions change.
The point remains that those who focus on and work towards the development of discreet “apps” for specific tasks are unable to expand quickly either. Augmented Reality technologies, regardless of their supplier — internal or third party — need to be viewed as “just another component” in a digital thread that delivers better performance and results. Focusing on results, instead of the tools that we use to deliver them, is another lesson that is hard for engineers to learn, but essential for the adoption of Augmented Reality.