iPhone 6S Sensors Found Unreliable for Augmented Reality
It is important for enterprise AR developers and project leaders to recognize the wide variety of sources of error that contribute to failed AR experiences or adoption and to mitigate the risks they introduce. Due to variations in sensor manufacturers, some smartphones don’t behave consistently from one unit to the next. Most of the time these differences are undetectable to the user. In the case of gyroscopes and compasses, however, the differences can lead to important discrepancies in how data is presented to the user. Modern mobile operating systems and suppliers use firmware bias to detect and remove or reduce such discrepancies.
According to a post published on the Apple Insider blog, users have found that on iPhone 6s running iOS 9 the sensors produce errors that cause the geospatial Augmented Reality experiences to drift uncontrollably. When users experience such issues to view the stars, they have doubts about application developers and may choose not to explore Augmented Reality technology in the future. But their lives and the equipment with which they work is not at risk.
In the future, users of personal head-mounted displays in enterprise and industrial settings could suffer from similar issues. Choosing hardware suppliers that have developed and use the highest performance sensor reliability test suites could be an important factor to successful adoption and use of AR in enterprise