How AR and VR are driving return on investment in the Enterprise Reality Ecosystem
A recent article featured on Venture Beat discusses how AR and VR are driving Return on Investment (ROI) in the enterprise reality ecosystem.
The article features many quotes and figures from thought leaders who are members of The AREA, Augmented Reality for Enterprise Alliance and is based on discussions across the industry extracted from Digi-Capital’s Augmented/Virtual Reality Report Q2 2019.
“While consumer AR/VR is proving itself, enterprise AR/VR is already delivering strong return on investment for major corporations like Walmart, Lockheed Martin, and Verizon.
But the market remains a series of connected point solutions, not a fully functioning ecosystem (yet).”
That YET is very important.
If you’ve not already been following the AREA for a while and fully understand our mission, this would be a good time to tell you that the entire existence of The AREA Alliance is devoted to developing a cohesive AR enterprise ecosystem and accelerating adoption of enterprise AR.
The article addresses how is enterprise AR/VR driving ROI today, and looks are what else it needs to scale across platforms.
The focus of the article is defining by number of users how many users are needed to qualify the term active users.
AREA members quoted in the article include PTC Vuforia, Upskill, Lockheed Martin.
Further related reading:
Read the full article on Venture Beat