Global Coalition Launches XR Collaboration Resource Guide
Comprehensive guide to Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality collaboration tools launch to help organizations match their business and learning needs with the best solutions for remote meetings, training, education, medical and more.
On April 9 2020, a newly formed global coalition announced the ‘Global Resource Guide to XR Collaboration,’ an online tool assembled by coalition members from varying innovative technology companies and associations including AREA, AWE, Deutsche Telekom, Cleanbox, MetaVRse, Qualcomm Technologies, VR/AR Association and XR Bootcamp.
The Global Resource Guide to XR Collaboration is an interactive and comprehensive online tool that helps companies utilize XR collaboration and remote work tools for businesses. The resource guide will serve as a central repository of detailed information about XR collaborationproducts and platforms and include an easy-to-use interactive tool for matching to specific business needs, a feature that will be available by the end of this month. All of this will be free to use and free to share.
XR collaboration products and platforms prove increasingly valuable for business users across all sectors of the economy. These can help teach classes, run workshops, deliver sales presentations and enable more personal meetings and real-time training. Sectors such as
manufacturing, engineering, retail, marketing, education and healthcare can particularly benefit from XR with its enhanced real-time collaboration capabilities and ability to share valuable or sensitive information remotely. And beyond the necessity to enforce social distancing, XR collaboration platforms can create a tangible ROI to enterprises by reducing work travel expenses and more efficiently fostering real-time knowledge and expertise sharing. By 2030, VR and AR has the potential to add $1.5 trillion to the global economy, as projected by PwC’s “Seeing is Believing” report.
The Global Resource Guide to XR Collaboration aims to be a resource that outlines how immersive XR technologies can support human interaction and empower us to collectively leverage technology to support the way we work, learn and generally interact with one another in a viscerally more personal way, to help everyone make the best of an extraordinarily difficult situation. The global coalition believes that by coming together (virtually) we have the best chance of overcoming the great challenges that lie ahead. For more information, please visit the website which will periodically be updated at