Forbes Futurists Predict Augmented Reality to Go Mainstream in 2016
At the conclusion of each year many groups attempt to predict the most important developments of the next year. Forbes has published on its blog a post contributed by Sarwant Singh predicting that Augmented Reality will go mainstream in 2016. Unfortunately, the brief analysis provided in the third of sixteen bullets on the topic of Augmented Reality focuses on Virtual Reality, demonstrating that the Forbes futurists themselves, assisted by the Visionary Innovation Group at Frost & Sullivan, need to spend a little more time studying the definitions of the terms they are using.
On the other hand, perhaps this is not a situation of incorrect terminology but the futurists are predicting Oculus (Facebook) will release a new Augmented Reality product in its Rift line in 2016, making the prediction correct, or less incorrect.
Unfortunately, the team developing these predictions also neglected to mention that enterprises will be actively adopting the technology and could be responsible, far more than consumers, for the growth of Augmented Reality in 2016.
Despite these weaknesses in the bullet about Augmented Reality, other predictions are also of interest to the readers of the AREA.