Forbes Extended Reality Roundup by Charlie Fink
A series of articles that our readers will be interested to look out for include the series on Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality and Extended Reality by Charlie Fink for Forbes edited by Michael Eichenseer.
The latest article includes a roundup that mentions some of the AREA’s members and the great work they are doing to accelerate adoption of enterprise Augmented Reality.
10,000 RealWear HMDs heading to front line industrial workers in Kazakhstan. The Qualcomm Snapdragon powered headsets will be provided by UROS as part of a digitization project aiming to accelerate XR global adoption. The partnership between the three companies marks the largest order of industrial HMDs RealWear has had to date. The RealWear HMT-1 and HMT-1Z1 provide a heads up display and voice-powered controls.
ThirdEye Gen lands 5G partnership with Verizon and patents for improving its mixed reality glasses. The makers of the “smallest mixed reality glasses” will be Verizon’s first 5G smart glasses partner. ThirdEye Gen recently won two patents: AR Assisted Large Data Streaming for streaming AR content wirelessly, and an OLED Driver for improved display quality.
The article also takes a look at:
- Khronos Group aims to establish 3D assets standard for cross-vendor ecommerce
- Labster raises $21 Million series B for expanding virtual lab catalog
- HTC Vive conducts survey of over 1800 VR developers
Read the full article on Forbes
AREA Member profile RealWear Inc
AREA Member profile ThirdEye Gen