Finger Food’s Mixed Reality Scenographic Tool
Finger Food Studios, is developing a new interactive scenographic tool for Microsoft HoloLens according to their press release. It is being tested in a show creation context by Cirque du Soleil. Finger Food’s innovative holographic set design tool took centre stage at the Microsoft Build (MS Build) conference Day 2 Keynote.
During the Keynote, HoloLens creator Alex Kipman invited Cirque du Soleil to demonstrate Finger Food’s Mixed Reality scenographic tool. This full-scale holographic tool can not only save on time and costs, but also allow for greater creative freedom and collaboration.
As demonstrated on stage yesterday, Finger Foods’ scenographic tool enables the creation of interactive 3D blocks and shapes that can be quickly transformed into a full scale rendering of a stage, including holographic performers. A tool like this would enable creative teams to work together to imagine, test and bring life to their ideas at full scale even before the first casting session or any building begins.
To read their full press release click here.