Enterprise Augmented Reality Use Cases Cross Numerous Industries
In case readers are unfamiliar with the terminology, this feature story on the AppsTechNews.com portal begins as many others with a short definition of Augmented Reality and connects the technology to the wearables and mobility trends. The author then describes several use cases in enterprise before summarizing the benefits of having contextually-relevant data in the worker’s field of view.
The article also explains that many of the products currently proposed for AR deployment are not designed for enterprise environments. Furthermore, the user interfaces for many devices are not designed for integration with enterprise systems, which — if the user must continually change views and modes — can reduce productivity more than enhance it. Despite the obstacles, the prospects of improving enterprise operations with AR come across and should help readers grasp the concepts. In the future, perhaps there would be some products and provider companies mentioned so that the reader can take their new knowledge and curiosity to the next stage.