Deutsche Bank Research Report Focuses on Augmented Reality in Germany
As this market research report published by Deutsche Bank documents, German industrial companies were very early to identify, test and introduce Augmented Reality. The report’s author, analyst Stefan Heng, describes how this competitive advantage, as measured through the strength of Metaio and other companies, has been supported or perhaps fueled by the large body of applied and theoretical academic research that has been conducted and published by German universities over the past decade.
But what does the future hold for German industry with respect to the breakthroughs AR may offer?
The analyst raises questions and expresses concerns about the increasing risk of German companies getting complacent and losing their leading edge in this domain in the near future. He points out that in America and the Far East people are generally more open to trying new user experiences and changing their procedures to get ahead. He concludes that it may not be too late to increase the impacts of AR on the German economy. For example, if the technologies can be embedded into a greater number of specific industrial processes that save resources and accelerate time to market, the high German investment in research could be recouped in coming years.