Could Boston Be The Augmented Reality Capital of the World?
“Could Boston Be The Augmented Reality Capital of the World?” This interesting news item caught the eye of the AREA this week. As a global organization with members worldwide, the title provides an interesting hook.
An article on BostInno by Galen Moore cites his conversation with John Werner, new VP Strategic Partnerships at Meta, developers of Augmented Reality glasses, whose dream it is to have Boston as the AR capital of the world.
Meta is raising $50 million in a Series B funding round on top of the $23m from Series A. Internally, Meta’s investment vision is that Meta will be the platform that industries will want to develop software on top of. Enterprise applications are seen as being huge, with health and education being cited.
Virtual Reality is having its media moment right now, but Werner argues for Augmented Reality being the potentially more disruptive technology, and he is quoted as saying that he wants to make Boston the Augmented Reality capital of the world.
His dream is to create a Boston-based hub, drawing from the best talent from schools, fortune 1000s and best start-ups. His second aim is to make the Augmented Reality device (Metaglasses) so necessary to businesses that they cannot imagine living without it and thirdly, to put on an annual Boston-based global Augmented Reality event to showcase the technology and vision.