Taser and body camera maker Axon announced on February 5 2018 that it had hired a team of world-renowned imaging and VR/AR experts. ARVR may become an important technology that police can use to increase their effectiveness.
By investing in virtual and augmented reality, Axon is also showing a willingness to experiment with new products that could help it to maintain its leading market position in the future.
Axon said it had opened a new R&D facility in Tampere, Finland, that will lead the charge into VR and AR. This group will focus on enhancing the capabilities of Axon’s future wearable and in-car cameras and developing a platform for future advancements that leverage Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR) and Artificial Intelligence (AI).
The team had been part of Nokia and then Microsoft, gaining industry expertise in the imaging market. But with Microsoft shutting down Nokia, the respected team of imaging engineers needed a home for their talents, which is where Axon stepped in.
Axon invested in artificial intelligence capabilities last year, and is now adding virtual and augmented reality. Advancing into virtual or augmented reality is the next step in the product line.
If Axon continues, it’ll entrench itself more completely with law enforcement around the world, potentially bringing valuable technology to police that will help them do their jobs better, while simultaneously keeping the company ahead of its rivals.
The full article has an investment basis and appeared originally on MotleyFool.