Augmented Reality’s role in Solving Malfunctions – Remote Eye
An article on Catalonia Trade & Investment recently reported on the Remote Eye startup which displayed its technology for technical assistance via video using Augmented Reality.
The startup offers innovative technology allowing video tech support via smart glasses and AR. Using the tech, experts can assist people anywhere across the globe to offer a quick and effective diagnosis.
The AR glasses essentially become the eyes and hands of the expert, advising the technician remotely via text or voice messages. The proposed tool additionally feeds a knowledge base for the organisation that can then store solutions to common tech issues in a shared environment.
Since starting a year ago, Remote Eye has a dozen global clients and is one of the startups forming part of the Catalan Government stand at the digital entrepreneurship fair 4YFN 2018 celebrated within the Mobile World Congress. As part of the Horizon 2020 programme, Remote Eye has also been accepted for a SME Instrument Phase 1.