Augmented Reality Offers Support to Private Pilots
Private pilots are now able to benefit from some of the same technologies used in heads-up displays of military jet pilots. According to a post on aviation industry blog “Flight club” the Aero Glass’ Augmented Reality-assisted software released in 2014 on Epson Moverio BT-200 will soon be published for Osterhout Design Group’s next-generation glasses.
The video published on the post illustrates how overlays showing air corridors, navigation and runway information appear from a pilot’s perspective during flight. Other use cases that could make flying in unfamiliar aircraft safer include checklists, customized for virtually any model or user.
The author predicts growing Augmented Reality use by pilots due to a new Federal Aviation Administration requirement that some aircraft share “automatic dependent surveillance broadcast” (ADS-B) data about their position “with ground stations and each other by 2020.” Complying with this new regulation will entail mandatory avionic upgrades and possible linkage with instrumentation, including new displays such as AR-enabled smart glasses.