Augmented Reality is Catching on in Manufacturing
Most people do not think of manufacturing as an industry eager to adopt the latest cutting edge technology, however, Industry 4.0 and digital manufacturing are changing that perception of the industry. Augmented Reality is one of the companion technology suites that manufacturers are studying and considering for deployment, according to an interview published on the portal.
In the interview, Index AR Solutions‘ COO, Dexter Liley, explains how “the second half of 2015 was characterized by significantly increased awareness and understanding that this isn’t another fad.” He pointed to the acquisitions and the introduction of solutions such as Microsoft Hololens as contributing to the increased attention that manufacturers are paying to Augmented Reality.
When asked where he expects to see the first wave of adoption, Liley predicts “industries that still require a significant amount of work be performed by skilled workers will benefit the most.” More specifically, he says that his company is targeting heavy manufacturing, building and facility construction and oil and gas construction and operations. In some situations, Liley suggests, machines could be replaced by workers assisted with Augmented Reality-enabled systems. He also predicted that AR will be an “industrial staple” within 10 years.