Augmented Reality in Enterprise Could Lead to Copernican Changes
In the 16th Century, Nicolaus Copernicus published works that began a revolution to which Lewis Richards, a researcher at the Leading Edge Forum, an independent research arm of CSC, compares the current changes underway in enterprise IT. In his post on the Leading Edge Forum blog, Richards explains how wearables, sensors and Virtual and Augmented Reality technologies are following the first wave of change (the “consumerization” in enterprise) caused by Bring Your Own Device policies.
Richards goes on to suggest that the second wave of consumerization of the enterprise IT (the introduction of consumer-grade wearables, sensors and the suite of experiences they enable) will accelerate “co-creation opportunities and empowerment options” in the workplace.
Furthermore, the technologies and the new powers they offer will have disruptive effect on traditional service integrator relationships as employees become more adept at creating higher-order systems. The challenge, Richards says, is that those in enterprise IT will need to educate and shape how these new capabilities are best used in businesses.
The AREA seeks to participate in that change underway and to support the development of new opportunities at the lowest risk levels.
If you want to read more about the Copernican change, visit this page on Wikipedia.