Atheer Announces Support for Warranty Approval and Management for the Automotive and Manufacturing Industries
Atheer’s enterprise AR platform now augments the warranty approval and management processes resulting in a major opportunity for cost savings and improved customer experience.
AREA member, Atheer Inc, announced during the Augmented World Expo 2019 conference, the availability of new capabilities in its leading AR Management Platform designed to support warranty approval and management processes.
Warranty approval and management processes play a crucial role in many industries but none more so that in the automotive and equipment manufacturing sectors. As these sectors release increasingly complex products at an accelerating velocity, effective warranty approval and management is a major source of cost savings, but also be the source of improved brand integrity, customer experience and loyalty.
“Warranty approval and management is an enormous issue, and cost, for the automotive industry. Automotive manufacturers can spend huge amounts of money annually in warranty costs. If you can reduce that amount by even 1 percent, you are saving millions of dollars across the value chain,” said Salim Murr, who formerly led, in succession, the Technical Service Department, the Warranties Department and the Logistics Department at BMW North America. Salim, who is also a newly-appointed advisor to Atheer, suggested that Augmented Reality can provide a way for the industry to tackle this vital issue.
“By processing warranty claims faster and with more accuracy, dealers can get their customers back into their cars faster while improving their operating margins and manufacturers can achieve significant cost savings in terms of processing costs and inaccurate claims,” he added. “By augmenting the warranty approval and management workflow with inspections, contextual information and real time collaboration Atheer has the power to radically transform this critical aspect of the automotive industry.”
“Our mission is to augment the core business processes of industrial enterprises. The automotive and manufacturing customers that we work with told us that, as the complexity and number of their products has increased, they face challenges with their warranty approval and management processes” said Atheer CEO Amar Dhaliwal. “With the latest release of the Atheer AR platform, warranty approval and management is now a supported use case. The potential for improved efficiency, cost savings, and a better customer experience is very significant. We’re looking forward to debuting this exciting new capability at AWE.”