Alliance aims to aid enterprise AR deployments (AREA)

We are delighted to see that Mobile World Live reported from AR & VR World in London about the work of our alliance, The AREA.  The report was taken from a presentation given by Mark Sage, Executive Director of The AREA (pictured).

The points covered are as follows:

Enterprises using augmented reality (AR) have improved their efficiency, but the industry is still new and has many teething problems, which is where AR for Enterprise Alliance (AREA) wants to step in and help.

Mark Sage, executive director at The AREA (pictured), said AR can reduce resource costs, minimise human error and increase efficiency.

However, it is still a young industry, with companies often finding it hard to find potential customers. Plus, businesses don’t always understand how AR can help them as there are not enough real-world use cases.

This does not mean there aren’t any use cases, though. Sage said operator KPN reduced overall costs for service teams 11 per cent by using AR smart glasses, while Boeing found the time taken to train new staff was cut by 35 per cent using AR rather than traditional 2D drawings.

The challenge for businesses is they are often unable to find the right information, lack confidence in implementing new technology and don’t have insight to support return on investment (RoI) decisions.

To this end, the Alliance offers a tool which defines and answers common questions about how to measure RoI for enterprise AR projects.

The AREA  also wants to provide a deep and open exchange of best practice, lessons learned and technology insights. It is looking to close the AR skills gap by working with universities.

Another of its aims is to reduce barriers to AR adoption by organising committees to focus on issues including research, security, safety and developing a standardised set of requirements.

Sage noted collaboration is key, as no single company can provide end-to-end AR solutions

The AREA states it is the only global non-profit, member-based organisation dedicated to widespread adoption of interoperable AR-enabled enterprise systems.


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