Advice for Augmented Reality Startups Changing the Workplace

A summary article by Tx Zhuo, Managing Partner at Karlin Ventures, published on starts with citing Google Glass’ decision to focus on its Project Aura headset as an indication that the future of Augmented Reality is moving away from consumers and headed towards using AR as an enterprise solution.

It goes on to show how companies are already leveraging existing hardware like iPads and smartphones whereas others are developing innovative new products.
The article warns that while some consumers may think Augmented Reality is a gimmick, the workplace is already being revolutionized by AR technology, with processes being streamlined and improvements in safety and communication.

Vendor mentions in the article go to member DAQRI’s smart helmet, which delivers instructions and safety guidelines pertaining to the users’ surroundings, as well as to member Scope AR’s ability to deliver 3D instructions to field technicians. GetVu also received a mention for using wearables to increase efficiency and reduce warehouse packing errors, as does IBM’s Max Reality.

The article also offers advice for AR startups by presenting a four-step process to market positioning, including surveying stakeholders, considering hardware, targeting “motivated trailblazers” and thinking about the most valuable and contextual data inputs. Finally a word to enterprises considering investment in Augmented Reality: focus on ROI.

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