Augmented Reality for Enterprise Alliance

About The AREA

The Augmented Reality for Enterprise Alliance (AREA) is the only global non-profit, member-based organization dedicated to widespread adoption of interoperable AR-enabled enterprise systems.

Augmented Reality offers tremendous potential for enterprises, promising to increase productivity, lower costs, improve safety, enable expertise to be shared more easily, and more. Whether you view it as the next computing paradigm, the key to new breakthroughs in manufacturing and service efficiencies, or the door to as-yet unimagined applications, it is clear that AR will have an unprecedented impact on enterprises of all kinds.

The AREA is working to help enterprises maximize the impact of AR by providing up-to-date resources and neutral, reliable guidance that make the path to AR adoption surer, shorter, and smoother. By identifying opportunities and challenges, disseminating information, spearheading research, promoting dialogue, and providing a forum for AR providers and enterprises, the AREA is clearing a path to interoperable AR-enabled enterprise systems that fully deliver on their promises.

Our Mission Statement

The mission of the AREA is to help companies in all parts of the AR ecosystem to achieve greater operational efficiency through the smooth introduction and widespread adoption of interoperable AR-assisted enterprise systems.

A Brief History

The charter members of the AREA originally met in the context of the AR Community activity, a global initiative begun in 2009. The AR Community (formerly the AR Standards Community) is a grassroots initiative of people who share the objectives of reducing obstacles to the development of open and interoperable AR content and experiences.

The AR Community portal, mailing lists and meetings capture a global view of existing and emerging standards activities and open source projects directly or indirectly relevant to the development of open and interoperable AR. The portal catalogs existing specifications and supports the work of informal liaisons between independent standards development organizations and thought leaders in any organization that shares an interest in the growth of AR.

The AREA was incorporated in the state of Delaware in December 2013 as a member-driven non-profit organization committed to the global advancement of Augmented Reality technology in enterprise. It emerged out of collaboration between thought leaders and early adopters of AR who share a stake in the successful expansion of a vibrant and healthy AR ecosystem to realize new revenues, cut operational costs, reduce risk to workflow, property and lives, and increase operational successes.

AREA's Staff

Bill Hoffman

Bill Hoffman

Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

As Chairman and CEO , Bill is responsible for all of the business of the OMG, including Board activities and oversight of the OMG’s neutral and open Technical Process.

Bill has been with OMG since 1989 and has worked in the computer industry in the areas of advanced hardware and software for over forty years. A frequent industry speaker, he is knowledgeable on the latest trends in Industrial IoT, Digital Twins, Augmented Reality and sustainability.

Mark Sage

Mark Sage

AREA Executive Director

Founder and Managing Director, Sagey11, Ltd.

Mark Sage is the founder and managing director of Sagey11 Ltd. His company provides strategic and operational consulting on marketing and business development, focusing on building lasting partnerships especially for technology start-up and scale-up companies. He has worked with and led various alliances and associations primarily in the mobile operating system space (including Tizen Association and Symbian Foundation).

With a focus on building long-term relationships and offering value and ROI for its members, his goal is to develop a robust and active ecosystem for AR within the enterprise.

Nancy Zukowski

Nancy Zukowski

Chief Marketing Officer

As Chief Marketing Officer, Nancy is responsible for revenue growth and member retention. She develops and executes marketing and communication strategies across multiple channels. Nancy oversees a team of enthusiastic professionals and directs our worldwide internal and external marketing efforts. With extensive experience in numerous segments, including information technology, healthcare, finance, and education, Nancy has spent most of her career in marketing and product management roles.

Katie Hart

Katie Hart

Director of Marketing

As Director of Marketing, Katie works closely with the marketing team to lead, strategize, and execute marketing programs for AREA, BPM+ Health, CISQ, and Responsible Computing. She leans on her experiences from the SaaS, technology, and manufacturing industries to bring dynamic perspectives & support membership initiatives.

Contact information: Katie can be contacted at the OMG’s main office number at +1-781-444-0404 Ext. 149 or by email at

Diane Ehramjian

Diane Ehramjian

Account Executive

As Director of Member Engagement, Diane is a resource and point of contact for all consortium members to find help with getting started, introductions, and engagement in consortium activity.

Mihir Kamdar

Mihir Kamdar

Project Manager

Mihir is the AREA Project Manager, his focus is on the management of the AREA monthly Committee meetings, with creation and tracking of Committee deliverables. Mihir is responsible for the monthly AREA updates, which feeds into the AREA social media platforms. His background is in Investment Banking working on various Digital and Transformation programmes.

What Members Are Saying

AREA Success Stories

The AREA is a thought leadership forum that we’re proud to be part of. Being a Contributor member allows us to engage constructively in industry discussions and receive feedback from other market leaders.

Vivek Aiyer Founder / Director - Appearition Pty Ltd

Our participation as an AREA charter member offers us options to reduce the barriers to AR adoption across our industry.

Paul Davies Associate Technical Fellow - Boeing

The world of AR is developing rapidly. It is very difficult for a single institution to stay fully abreast of an exponentially expanding sector. By connecting with the AREA, the AMRC with Boeing and Nuclear AMRC will have access to a single point of resource, enabling us to be better informed, and stay at the forefront of the technology.


The AREA unites the AR community with focus on the enterprise sector, in which we see the driver for growth and maturity of XR. We believe that Holo-Light can contribute to that eco-system with expertise in AR software development, engineering use cases and technology enabling the streaming of all XR applications.

Luis Bollinger Co-Founder - Holo-Light

At Iristick, we're passionate about creating wearables that truly meet industry needs. By participating in AREA we get the opportunity to work directly with customers and partners enabling us to create the best solution possible.

Johan de Geyter CEO - Iristick

We appreciate all the work, which has already been done in R&D and think that the combination of market insights of all members will bring us closer to mass adoption and rollouts in the enterprise sector.

Luis Bollinger Co-Founder - Holo-Light

At CrossComm, we believe Augmented Reality has the potential to transform how we interact with the world around us, but it will require the collective vision and collaboration of pioneers to determine practical solutions and best practices within this new computing paradigm. The AREA is a community that fosters such collaboration – and we are proud to be working alongside other members to see AR reach its fullest potential.

Don Shin President and CEO - CrossComm

The AREA is the place where we keep abreast of the latest developments and innovations in enterprise AR, from research & development to use cases and business models.

Vivek Aiyer Founder / Director - Appearition Pty Ltd

The activities throughout the year including workinars, committees, podcasts and events are a remarkable platform for all companies with interest in XR, not only giving us the chance to present ourselves, but also shape the future of XR. We see the AREA as a platform, cross-linker and companion in the world of XR and believe that we can achieve much more as a community.

Luis Bollinger Co-Founder - Holo-Light

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