Griffith University Eyes Smart Glass Technology

Students at Brisbane based Griffith University’s School of Pharmacy and Toxicology are using Wearable Augmented Reality Software and Smart Glasses to gain ‘life-like’ instruction and modern-day workplace scenarios according to a recent article by

Dr Gary Grant, deputy head for the School of Pharmacy said the Smart Glass technology exposes students to countless workplaces scenarios, a situation not typically possible under normal teaching environments.

“We go from Augmented Reality to Virtual Reality to Mixed. We collect panoramic imagery of the healthcare sector and that includes trying to capture the entire journey of a patient through healthcare in high resolution imagery. That then is presented to our students as an orientation exercise, and we do that in a couple of modes: in large screen projection, but we also immerse them within that environment using Epson BT-300 smart glasses.”

According to the article, using this technology is allowing students are Griffith to sit inside the treatment room of an emergency department helping them gain skills and experience. The technology helps in university standardize care, providing the ‘training wheels’ for practitioners in early practice.

To read the full article, click here.

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