Will Augmented Reality Change the Workplace?
In a recent article, written by The Marlin Company, Augmented Reality is about to change the workplace. The author argues that the AR technological advancement is to make a big difference in our working lives. Augmented Reality will benefit employees and the advantages are likely to fall into 2 baskets: Training and actual work.
Using Augmented Reality means that people can be trained in ways never before thought possible. One example is a new heart surgeon learning to work on live patients without endangering the actual patient who might be a thousand miles away.
In actual on-the-job use, AR is a huge productivity enhancer. The reader is invited to consider a field technician working on a jet engine repair on the tarmac, looking up mechanical drawings instantly to see what’s wrong and immediately order the correct part. The worker is then able to see an overlay animation showing how to remove the defective part and install the replacement.
The medical profession gets a mention too with the idea of doctors examining, diagnosing and treating patients with the enhancement of Augmented Reality technology.
The author acknowledges that all of these examples are now in practice, but mostly these are in trials and small roll-outs. Over the next couple of years, we’ll start to see this everywhere and likely experience it ourselves.