Tim O’Reilly Says Augmented Reality is A Unicorn Technology
Tim O’Reilly is an author, founder of O’Reilly Media and one of the great thinkers of the digital era. He popularized the terms “open source” and “Web 2.0.” In a post on the Medium.com blog, O’Reilly suggests that Augmented Reality is a “unicorn technology” and that it will have a profound effect on the way people live and work.
In the hip circles such as those in which O’Reilly lives and writes, a unicorn is a label given to a technology breakthrough, once remarkable, that becomes taken for granted. He gives Google Maps, Google Now and Siri as other examples of unicorn technologies. O’Reilly then attributes the potential impact of Augmented Reality on how powerfully it can change the way people work.
O’Reilly goes on to predict that Augmented Reality will transform the way many services are provided. The topic of Augmented Reality’s impact on society and industry is one that will be featured at the upcoming Next Economy Summit, an O’Reilly event.