ABI Research Releases New Market Research Report Focusing on Head Mounted Displays
ABI Research issued a press release about its new market research report focusing on head Mounted Displays (HMD) sales. According to the report, approximately 65 M units will be sold in 2020, with a Compound Annual Growth Rate of 88%.
ABI’s primary analyst, Eric Abbruzzese, suggests in the release that systems which leverage existing mobile devices, such as smart phones, will be more popular than the “tethered” displays which are receiving most of the attention in media and gaming market today. Revenues for the mobile-reliant form of hardware could reach $1.6 Billion but still be less than 50% of the units sold.
The ABI forecast for Augmented Reality-enabled smart glasses is bullish. Enterprises seeking productivity gains are expected to be the primary buyers for at least the next few years, and to contribute 48% of total Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality HMD hardware revenues in 2020.
Investors should become increasingly active in order to get in on the anticipated growth in demand.