Is Augmented Reality in the Future of Yard Management with Logistiview
A recent article about Yard Management Systems mentions how augmented reality can help. AREA member Logistiview is mentioned in the article as changing the way in which warehouses operate and function.
Logistivew is an augmented reality visuals and voice system that is changing the way warehouses operate and function, increasing put rates by 20% with training in 15 minutes or less. Operations staff are more connected and wear specific small devices, similar to glasses with an attached earpiece allowing them to hear instruction as well as see where in the warehouse to go. Studies confirm that humans learn much faster through visuals over audio, 65% of the population are visual learners and visuals can improve learning by up to 400% stimulating imagination and faster processing in the brain. Paired with audio, no wonder augmented reality is increasing productivity in the warehouse.
Imagine the yard is a warehouse and pair that with augmented reality. Not only do you have a great software telling you on tablets and desktops where everything is located and/or scheduled to arrive or depart, now you can be at the dock or in the yard with these glasses and just look up with the naked eye to see any trailer you are looking for. Additionally, what if you could now see what dock you need to get to just by looking at the doors instead of down at the tablet? These efficiencies could make a big impact and transform the way yard management operates today.
For further information, read Logistiview’s AREA member profile and follow them on Twitter.