How UtilityAR is bringing augmented reality to factories and data centres
In the area of industrial processes, augmented reality may have found its calling. Dublin augmented reality (AR) startup UtilityAR raised a seed round of €600,000 at the end of last year to put that to the test.
The investment came from Business Venture Partners, Halo Business Angel Network and Enterprise Ireland.
It builds software for augmented reality glasses used by engineers and technicians, which display data visually for the user, according to co-founder Patrick Liddy.
“We build software to help engineers, technicians, technical workers of all sorts to see information and the procedures they should be following or the assets that they’re working on in their vision while they’re doing the task,” he said.
The startup, founded in 2018, can link glasses up with internet-connected equipment or IoT devices to display real-time functioning data or flag any maintenance issues.
Take for example a technician that needs to change the filter on an air handling unit, which takes multiple steps to complete.
“In the past that might have been text saying do step A, then step B. Now you’re able to watch short 10 second videos (through the glasses) which describe each step and help you more clearly understand what you need to do.”
The technician could also do a video call back to a remote colleague and show them exactly what they’re looking at via the glasses.
“They’ll be able to see on their computer what you’re doing in real-time and draw annotations to talk you through how to fix that problem.”