Schlumberger on user adoption of AR with Ubimax and RealWear
AREA readers and followers are likely to be very interested in a video on the RealWear Inc YouTube channel. David Reading, Maintenance Innovation Manager from Schlumberger talks through how they use the Ubimax solution.
This is a great recording of a session on how to get started with improving user adoption of augmented reality. Schlumberger went from “nothing to something almost deployable in less than two weeks with Ubimax and RealWear.”
Key messages from this 18 minute video include:
- Ubimax focuses on the front line worker
- Allows to communicate – access to info they need. Document what they do on the go
- Reading talks through how Schlumberger scales their maintenance operations when they are managing 20 million man hours of maintenance per year
- Maintenance takes place in the field and shop, rigs, etc. digitally connected sensors
- Many maintenance checks at Schlumberger are still done manually – how to sift through all the checks?
- He talks through the use of augmented reality in the industrial environment
- By looking at such use cases other enterprises can get inspiration about what they do, and what is possible
- How can you bring innovation into a company where it gets stuck in the Innovation Department?
- How can you choose a solution and scale it?
The video can be watched on the RealWear Inc YouTube channel.