Lenovo targets Hololens with ThinkReality Enterprise Aaugmented Reality Headset

Lenovo’s new ThinkReality A6 augmented reality headset is gunning for Microsoft’s AT mindshare in the business space by competing directly with its Hololens headset and software platform. The new headset is designed for enterprise use.


ThinkReality combines an Android-based headset with 1080p (per eye) visuals with an ecosystem that integrates with existing enterprise systems, is compatible with existing augmented reality content, and offers deep user and device management software.

Although virtual reality and the hardware behind it have achieved greater growth than AR over the past few years, many of those who operate at the heart of it see augmented reality as having similar, or even grander potential. However, unlike such headsets as the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive, AR is finding its greatest acceptance in the workplace, and Lenovo’s new ThinkReality A6 headset looks to expand that audience and even crib a few customers from Microsoft in the process.

It’s being targeted specifically at enterprise users, with Lenovo citing industrial training and manufacturing as particular areas where it can be of use. It’s said to offer real advantages when it comes to increasing the efficiency of certain tasks and even improving safety. It’s also said to be an excellent tool for architects and artists who want to see a 3D rendering of their potential creations before they have actually been built.

Find out details on the specification and other details on DigitalTrends.

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