Five Ways Augmented Reality Can Improve Corporate IT

An illustrative article on IT by Peter Kowalke offers Five Ways Augmented Reality Can Improve Corporate IT.

The author starts with a story: “ An IT technician walks into a server room. Immediately color-coded labels show for each of the many wires flowing out of the server racks, and a big red arrow appears over the server appliance the technician has come to fix. The technician adjusts a few wires, swaps out the appliance, and is done in less than two minutes.”

He goes on to assert that this is part of the promise of augmented reality for corporate IT, and this vision is quickly coming to IT departments the world over. Augmented reality will be used across roughly 30 percent of large enterprises and by 25 percent of field service technicians by 2020, according to research by Gartner and IDC. Overall, the market for AR is expected to reach $547.2 billion by 2024.

There are five ways Augmented Reality is set to improve corporate IT:

  1. Improving data visualization
  2. Delivering real time data in the field
  3. Providing easy remote access
  4. Boosting employee training
  5. Assisting with physical site planning


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