What is the business case for augmented reality?
An article featuring business perspectives from a number of influencers, looks at how augmented reality can be used across a variety of business use cases.
See the full article from Supply Chain Dive.com.
Some of the key concepts from the article include:
Training and certification through AR pays for the creation of content in a new way but delivers savings straight to the bottom line.
There are a broad number of use cases here, but it boils down to saving money, saving time and improving safety:
- Knowledge transfer
- Empowering new works
- Save on travel costs
- Mitigate risk
The value of AR is directly tied to its ability to impact human workforce experience and performance and the three critical questions to ask before adopting AR pilots.
A good example of a real-world recent application of AR in supply chain is in warehouse picking and packing. A number of major companies have seen significant improvement in order fulfilment by as much 30% to 40%, providing warehouse workers with optimized vision picking directions and locations in line of sight.