Augmented reality surgical navigation technology enables high accuracy pedicle screw placement

A study has found new technology utilising augmented reality surgical navigation can be clinically used to place pedicle screws, enabling both high accuracy and an acceptable navigation time. The results were presented by Gustav Burström, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden, at the Eurospine 2018 annual meeting (19–21 September, Barcelona, Spain) and appear on Spinal News International.

Burström acknowledged the recent progression of surgical techniques, “Today we see a number of trends in spine surgery; image guided surgery and navigation is widely used and widely studied, and [alongside] those, 3D imaging in the operating room is on the rise.”

He noted that the literature depicts a wide variation of accuracies reported for pedicle screw placement. For example, in meta-analyses, many studies report superiority for navigation compared to free-hand. However, this finding was not reported by all studies and cannot be extended to all indications.


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