Predictions for the Future of Augmented Reality
Want to know the future of AR? This detailed infographic states how Augmented and Virtual Reality are predicted to change industries such as education, healthcare, and entertainment.
Key points in the infographic include:
- Video games is still the biggest industry for AR/VR, with potential 2025 revenue estimated at $11.6 billion.
- Real estate revenue from AR/VR for 2025 is estimated at $2.6 billion. Tech for the industry includes Virtual Experience (which gives users an interactive 3D walkthrough of a property under construction via a VR headset), “Street Peak” Realtor App (which provides information about a property when a smartphone is pointed at it), and Ikea Place App (which automatically scales furniture products for a customer’s home based on room dimensions with 98% accuracy).
- Estimated 2025 revenue from AR/VR for retail is $1.6 billion; 71% of consumers said they would shop at a retailer more often if they offered AR. Tech for the industry includes Airwalk Invisible Pop-Up Stores (which use GPS and an app to view shoes for sale in invisible stores set up in NY and LA in 2011), and FX Mirror and Memory Mirror (high-tech mirrors that allow customers to imagine themselves in an outfit without trying it on).
- Healthcare revenue from AR/VR is anticipated to reach $5 billion by 2025; most advancements of AR technology are expected within the healthcare industry. Tech for the industry includes Accuvein (which projects the location of veins and valves, enabling healthcare professionals easier access to them for IV placement), and the VA-ST Visor (‘smart specs’ that help blind or partially blind people with everyday tasks).
- The travel industry is expected to generate $4.1 billion revenue from AR/VR by 2025. 84% of consumers worldwide would be interested in using AR in their travel experiences, and 42% believe that AR is the future of tourism. Tech for the industry includes Google Expeditions (which allows school children to take field trips around the world while remaining in the classroom), and AR travel apps such as Wikitude and Etips City Guides (which help plan trips to new places).
At the end of the infographic are quotes from tech experts, such as Charlie Fink, Forbes columnist and author at Metaverse, who is quoted to have said that AR technology is accelerating at a fast pace, and that more exciting devices will be produced and released in upcoming years.