Augmented Reality And The Fourth Transformation

In a visionary piece on Forbes, Jay Samit, Independent Vice Chairman at Deloitte, discusses AR and its power to revolutionize customer experience in every industry.

Technology has changed and improved the customer experience over time, but the most recent transformation with the growth of augmented reality is sure to lead to greater change than ever before.

AR in enterprise

As more businesses become aware of AR’s potential to transform customer experience, AR becomes pushed in front of a larger audience of business decision makers who can potentially start to learn more about the ways in which AR can make business transformation internally, with cost savings and productivity efficiencies.

If you’re looking for ways in which AR can help with a variety of operations within the business, take a look at our resources section of our website, and a variety of use cases from a range of industries.

From Forbes – AR transformation for customers

Our modern world has connected us with devices like smartphones, which puts a world of possibility right in our pockets. But even with smartphones we still have to search for answers. Instead of customers having to seek out information, that knowledge can now be embedded in the environment in a way that anticipate customers’ needs and helps them find solutions where they already are.

The author invites us to imagine a world where you can wear glasses that look just like normal glasses but that have AR technology that can be customized to match your lifestyle and provide the most applicable information.

According to Jay, these glasses are right around the corner and will make it much easier to incorporate AR. Instead of getting lost in a store, AR could light up a path on the ground to get you to the item you need.  Other credible examples are given of AR’s potential to revolutionize the way they bring products and services to market.

Augmented reality is immersive learning that hits customers at a different level. It is the extra things that anticipate needs, improve problems, and make interactions with customers just a little bit better. AR is being able to get what you need when you need it and creating seamless experiences that make life easier, more efficient, or more enjoyable.


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